Artsy News Page
Good Day. Decided to start up my blog again after holding off for a while. I was revamping the site and adding some features which I hope will be helpful. I added a page titled /ArtsyNews for artist biographies and event notifications. I’m still working on that a little bit and need to make some contacts to set these features into motion. My plan is to provide an online questionnaire for artists to help choose featured artists and use it to assist in writing the biography.
What’s been going on?
On the home front, we have been in our home for two and a half years now, time flies. We are lagging behind in our landscaping goals. We lost some trees in a storm in August and had to have the stumps removed. Also, we decided to move some of the soil from the area where the tree was over to the front yard to gentle the slope. Winter set in so we’ve been waiting to bring in more landfill and finish off the retaining wall. We recently bought two sweet Australian Shepherd-mix puppies and they are growing fast. We are now going to build a fence for them in the yard in the next few weeks, weather permitting.
Besides designing the web page and gardening, I’ve been learning watercolor skills and practicing my sketching.
Here are two of my recent watercolors. On Fabriano i264 140lb cold press paper.