"Curiosity will conquer fear even more than bravery will." --James Stephens Front Page Advent Art Journal I have signed up for a years worth of online art classes through the website #Everything-Art.com. It is called Wanderlust 2021. Every week the ...
Artistic Christmas Card
"A good conscience is a continual Christmas." Benjamin Franklin I've been working on a Christmas card to send out to my brother and sisters and my children. It turned out to be a good experience and though not perfect, I thought the card turned out pr ...
Gift Tag Art
"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every go ...
Holiday Gift Tags using mixed media
"Surprise loved ones with little unexpected gifts." H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Life's Little Instruction Book The holidays are upon us and despite the Covid 19 virus I am still planning to exchange gifts with family and friends. In my previous posting, I i ...
Artistic Gift Tag Project for the Holidays
"No one ever excused his way to success." --Dave Del Dotto, How to Make Nothing But Money I heard a news story the other day about a young man, an architect who was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The surgery to remove the tumor affected his eye sight a ...
Floral Collage Page For Memory Book
"The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother." --Theodore Hesburgh - Reader's Digest Quotable Quotes Hi readers. Sorry it's been over a week since I last posted. I was a little under the weather with a head cold. ...
Use of Color, Texture, Design to Communicate Theme in Art with Mixed Media.
"Marriage should be a duet--when one sings, the other claps." --Joe Murray Wedding Photo enhanced on memory book page design This posting is not so much about technique, but how I choose elements in my design to communicate message and mood of my ...